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Francisco Bustamante

Python developer

Personal Profile

Science communicator and data scientist with a sound understanding of Python and packages such as Pandas, Scikit Learn, Matpltolib and Plotly. Currently working in the education industry solving educational problems with programming. Launched Ciência Programada, a science communication project in Brazilian Portuguese combining science and programming.

Work Experience

Science communicator at Ciência Programada

July 2020 - Present

Launched a science communication with programming platform that gets thousands of views per month. Wrote articles and recorded videos about Python and packages such as Pandas, Matplotlib and Scikit Learn. Wrote articles and recorded videos about coding best practices, Git and tests.

Researcher and teacher at IFRJ

June 2015 - March 2022

Launched a research group to develop educational software using Python to have the following characteristics: visual appeal with Matplotlib and Plotly; data analysis and processing with Pandas, NumPy and Scipy; best practices with Git and automated tests. Coordinated projects with Trello. Taught physical-chemistry lessons.

Chemist/Laboratory manager at UFF

August 2014 - June 2015

Managed the Central Analytical Facility of the Chemistry Institute of the university. Automated the analyses scheduling process with Google Suite. Increased the availability of laboratory equipment by 100 %. Automated the equipment usage report with Google Spreadsheets. Launched equipment training and data analysis courses. More than 100 students, technicians and teachers trained. Built and implemented the standardization and process workflow for access and training on each laboratory and all equipment of the facility.

Environmental analyst at INEA

Janruary 2014 - August 2014

Automated environmental indicator reports with Excel. Improved team productivity by 25 %. Collaborated in the implementation process of ISO/IEC 17025 at Environmental Analysis Laboratory.

Researcher and teacher at UFF

June 2012 - Janruary 2014

Supervised two projects regarding the creation of new low-cost educational resources. Taught chemistry lessons

Key Skills

  • Python
  • Matplotlib
  • Plotly
  • SciPy
  • Scikit Learn
  • Linux
  • Git
  • Excel


Universidade Federal Fluminense

Master's Degree in Chemistry

Experienced with data analysis using Excel and Origin software. Three scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals. Organizing committee member of two scientific symposiums

Universidade Federal Fluminense

Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry

One scientific paper published in national peer-reviewed journal. Winner of the Alumni Laureate Award due to high academic performance.